
Autism AppJam

The Autism AppJam is a collaboration between Chapman University’s Machine Learning and Affiliated Technology (MLAT) Lab and the University of California, Irvine’s Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. This annual event brings together over 250 students from universities across Southern California to explore new ways in which technology (especially mobile and wearable computing) can benefit children and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Students are given 2 weeks to formulate an idea, lay out a business plan, and develop a prototype of their application. At the end of the development period students showcase their work at a public demonstration session, where they receive feedback from physicians, clinicians, researchers, and members of the public.
In order to make the AppJam a reality, we are dependent on the generosity of both corporate and private donors. This year we are particularly in need of donations to serve as prizes for our winning student teams, such as gift certificates or cool corporate schwag. Feel free to contact the AppJam organizer, Dr. Erik Linstead, at with any questions regarding sponsorship.