

LaHaye, N., Garay, M., Bue, B., El-Askary, H., Linstead, E. “A Quantitative Validation of Multi-Modal Image Fusion and Segmentation for Object Detection and Tracking.” Remote Sensing. 2021.

Phan, M., Tomaszewski, D., Arbuckle, C., Yang, S., Donaldson, C., Fortier, M., Jenkins, B., Linstead, E., Kain, Z. “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Opioid Use for Adolescents at US Emergency Departments.” BMC Pediatrics. 2021.

Gardner-Hoag, J., Novack, M., Parlett-Pelleriti, C., Stevens, E., Dixon, D., Linstead, E. “Unsupervised Machine Learning for Identifying Challenging Behavior Profiles to Explore Cluster-Based Treatment Efficacy in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Retrospective Data Analysis Study.” JMIR Medical Informatics. 2021.

Ali, R., Fong, G., Linstead, E. “Project Metamorphosis: Designing a Dynamic Framework for Converting Musical Compositions into Paintings.” Leonardo. 2021.

Perera, S.Allali, M., Linstead, E., El-Askary, H. “Landuse Landcover Change Detection in the Mediterranean Region Using a Siamese Neural Network and Image Processing.” International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).  Brussels, Belgium. July, 2021.

Springer, T., Eiroa-Lledo, E., Stevens, E., Linstead, E. “On-Device Deep Learning Inference for System-on-Chip (SoC) Architectures.” Electronics. 2021.

Li, W., Perera, S., Linstead, E., Thomas, R., El-Askary, H., Piechota, T., Struppa, D. “Investigating decadal changes of multiple hydrological products and land cover changes in the Mediterranean Region for 2009-2018.” Earth Systems and Environment. 2021.

Stevens, L., Linstead, E., Hall, J., Kao, D. “The association between coffee intake and incident heart failure risk – a machine learning analysis of the Framingham Heart, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, and Cardiovascular Health Studies.” Circulation Heart Failure. 2021.


Griffiths, A., Hanson, A., Giannantonio, C., Mathur, S., Hyde, K., Linstead, E. “Developing Employment Environments where Individuals with ASD Thrive: Using Machine Learning to Explore Employer Policies and Practices.” Brain Sciences. 2020.

Rosenfield, N., Linstead, E. “Exploring the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, Clinical Impairment Assessment, and Autism Quotient to Identify Eating Disorder Vulnerability: A Cluster Analysis.” Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. 2020.

Ott, J., Pritchard, M., Best, N., Linstead, E., Curcic, M., Baldi, P. “A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing.” Scientific Programming. 2020.

Best, N., Ott, J., Linstead, E. “Exploring the Efficacy of Transfer Learning in Mining Image-Based Software Artifacts.” Journal of Big Data. 2020.

Ali, R., Graves, J., Wu, S., Lee, J., Linstead, E. “A Machine Learning Approach to Delineating Neighborhoods from Geocoded Appraisal Data.” International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020.

Stevens, L., Kao, D., Hall, J. Goerg, C., Abdo, K., Linstead, E. “ML-MEDIC: An Interactive Visual Analysis Tool Facilitating Clinical Applications of Machine Learning for Precision Medicine.” Applied Sciences. 2020.

Ott, J., Linstead, E., LaHaye, N., Baldi, P. “Learning in the Machine: To Share or Not to Share.” Neural Networks. 2020.

Anden, R., Linstead, E. “Predicting eye movement and fixation patterns on scenic images using Machine Learning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Workshop in Artificial Intelligence Techniques for BioMedicine and HealthCare (AIBH). Seoul, South Korea. December, 2020.

Parlett-Pelleriti, P., Linstead, E. “A Hierarchical Bayesian IRT Analysis of Children’s Risk Propensity.” International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). Miami, FL. December, 2020.

Bergh, A., Harnack, P., Atchison, A., Ott, J., Eiroa-Lledo, E., Linstead, E. “A Curated Set of Labeled Code Tutorial Images for Deep Learning.” International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). Miami, FL. December, 2020.

Eiroa-Lledo, E., Bechtel, A., Daskas, E., Foster, L., Pirzadeh, R., Rodeghiero, K., Linstead, E. “Do Experienced Programmers put too Much Confidence in Comments?” International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE). Pittsburgh, PA. July, 2020.

Ali, R., Linstead, E. “Modeling Topic Exhaustion for Programming Languages on StackOverflow.” International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE). Pittsburgh, PA. July, 2020.

Perera, S., Li, W., Linstead, E., El-Askary, H. “Forecasting Vegetation Health in the Mena Region by Predicting Vegetation Indicators with Machine Learning Models.” International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).  Waikoloa, Hawaii. July, 2020.

Ali, R., Parlett-Pelleriti, C., Linstead, E. “Cheating Death: A Statistical Survival Analysis of Publicly Available Python Projects.” International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). Seoul, South Korea. May, 2020.


Hyde, K., Griffiths, A., Giannantonio, C., Hanson, A., Mathur, S.,  Linstead, E. “Exploring the Landscape of Employers for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). Boca Raton, FL. December, 2019.

Springer, T., Linstead, E. “Adaptive QoS-Based Real-Time Communication Framework for WSANs.” Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). Vancouver, Canada. October, 2019.

Gapper, J., El-Askary, H., Linstead, E., Piechota, T. “Coral Reef Change Detection in Remote Pacific Islands using Support Vector Machine Classifiers.” Remote Sensing. 2019.

LaHaye, N., Ott, J., Garay, M., El-Askary, H., Linstead, E. “Toward Generic, Multi-Modal Object Tracking and Image Fusion with Unsupervised Deep Learning.” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2019.

Stevens, E., Dixon, D., Novack, M., Granpeesheh, D., Smith, T., Linstead, E. “Identification and Analysis of Behavioral Phenotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorder via Unsupervised Machine Learning.” International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2019.

LaHaye, N., El-Askary, H., Linstead, E. “Evaluating the Plausibility of Including SAR Ingest and Analysis Capabilities in Unsupervised Deep Learning Framework for Multi-Modal Object Tracking and Detection.” International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology. Pasadena, CA. July, 2019.

Woodward, D., Stevens, E., Linstead, E. “Generating Transit Light Curves with Variational Autoencoders.” International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology. Pasadena, CA. July, 2019.

Ott, J., Atchison, A., Linstead, E. “Exploring the Applicability of Low-Shot Learning in Mining Software Repositories.” Journal of Big Data. 2019.

Arbuckle, C., Tomaszewski, D., Aronson, B., Brown, L., Schommer, J., Morisky, D., Linstead, E. “Exploring the Impact of Information Source on Medication Adherence in the Digital Age.” Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2019.

Rosenfield, N., Lamkin, K., Re, J., Day, K., Boyd, L., Linstead, E. “A Virtual Reality System for Practicing Conversation Skills for Children with Autism.” Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2019.

Parlett, C., Lin, G., Jones, M., Linstead, E., Jaeggi, S. “Exploring Age-Related Metamemory Differences using Modified Brier Scores and Hierarchical Clustering.” Open Psychology. 2019.

Boyd, L., Day, K., Wasserman, B., Abdo, K., Hayes, G., Linstead, E. “Paper Prototyping Comfortable VRPlay for Diverse Sensory Needs.” CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Late Breaking Work. Glasgow, UK. May, 2019.

Maoz, U., Linstead, E. “Brain Imaging and Artificial Intelligence.” In “Casting Light on the Dark Side of Brain Imaging.” A. Raz and R. Thibault, editors. Academic Press. 2019.

Hyde, K., Novack, M., LaHaye, N., Parlett, C., Hong, E., Anden, R., Dixon, D., Linstead, E. “Applications of Supervised Machine Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder Research: A Review.” Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. February, 2019.


Tomaszewski, D., Arbuckle, C., Yang, S., Linstead, E. “Trends in Opioid Use in Pediatric Patients In United States Outpatient Hospital Departments From 2006-2015.” JAMA Network Open. 2018.

Gapper, J., El-Askary, H., Linstead, E., Piechota, T. “Development of a Robust Classifier and Evaluation of Generalization Properties for Multiple Shallow Benthic Habitats in the Pacific Ocean Using Remote Sensing Data.” Remote Sensing. 2018.

Hyde, K., Griffiths, A., Giannantonio, C., Hanson, A., Linstead, E. “ Predicting Employer Recruitment of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders with Decision Trees.” International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). Orlando, FL. December, 2018.

Boyd, L., Day, K., Stewart, N., Abdo, K., Lamkin, K., Linstead, E. “Leveling the Playing Field: Supporting Neurodiversity via Virtual Realities.” Innovation and Technology – Journal of the National Academy of Inventors. 2018.

Hong, E., Burns, C., Stevens, E., Dixon, D., Linstead, E. “Topography and Function of Challenging Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 2018.

Atchison, A., Anderson, H., Berardi, C., Best, N., Firmani, C., German, R., Linstead, E. “A Topic Analysis of the R Programming Language.” International Conference on Software Engineering. Gothenburg, Sweden. May, 2018.

Ott, J., Atchison, A., Harnack, P., Bergh, A., Linstead, E. “A Deep Learning Approach to Identifying Source Code in Images and Video.” International Conference on Mining Software Repositories. Gothenburg, Sweden. May, 2018.

Ott, J., Atchison, A., Harnack, P., Best, N. Anderson, H., Firmani, C., Linstead, E. “Learning Lexical Features of Programming Languages from Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks.” International Conference on Program Comprehension. Gothenburg, Sweden. May, 2018.

Boyd, L., Gupta, S., Vikmani, S., Gutierrez, C., Yang, J., Linstead, E., Hayes, G. “vrSocial: Toward Immersive Therapeutic VR System for Children with Autism.” CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Canada. April, 2018.

Arbuckle, C., Tomaszewski, D., Aronson, B., Brown, L., Schommer, J., Morisky, D., Linstead, E. “Evaluating Factors Impacting Medication Adherence Among Rural, Urban, and Suburban Populations.” Journal of Rural Health. 2018.


El-Askary, H., LaHaye, N., Linstead, E., Sprigg, W., Yacoub, M. “Remote sensing observation of annual dust cycle and possible causality of Kawasaki disease outbreaks in Japan.” Global Cardiology Science and Practice. 2017.

Stevens, E., Atchison, A., Stevens, L., Hong, E., Granpeesheh, D., Dixon, D., Linstead, E. “A Cluster Analysis of Challenging Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders.” International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). Cancun, Mexico. December, 2017.

Linstead, E., Dixon, D., Hong, E., Burns, C., French, R., Novack, M., Granpeesheh, D. “An Evaluation of the Effects of Intensity and Duration on Outcomes across Treatment Domains for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Nature Translational Psychiatry. September, 2017.

Arbuckle, C., Greenberg, M., Bergh, A, German, R., Sirago, N., Linstead, E. “T-Time: A Data Repository of T Cell and Calcium Release-Activated Calcium Channel Activation Imagery.” BMC Research Notes. August, 2017.

Atchison, A., Berardi, C., Best, N., Stevens, E., Linstead, E. “A Time Series Analysis of TravisTorrent Builds: To Everything There is a Season.” International Conference on Mining Software Repositories. Buenos Aires, Argentina. May, 2017.


Dixon, D., Burns, C., Granpeesheh, D., Powell, A., Linstead, E. “A Program Evaluation of Home and Center-Based Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder.”  Behavior Analysis in Practice.  October 2016.

Linstead, E.. Dixon, D., Granpeesheh, D., French, R., German, R., Stevens, E. “Intensity and Learning Outcomes in the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.”  Journal of Behavior Modification. September 2016.

Linstead, E., Burns, R., Nguyen, D., Tyler, D. “AMP: A Platform for Managing and Mining Data in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder.”  International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC). Lake Buena Vista, FL. August, 2016.

Dixon, D., Linstead, E., Granpeesheh, D., French, R., Stevens, E., Stevens, L., Novack, M., Powell, A.  “An evaluation of the impact of supervision intensity, supervisor qualifications, and caseload on outcomes in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder.” Behavior Analysis in Practice. June 2016.


Linstead, E., German, R., Dixon, D., Granpeesheh, D, Powell, A., Novack, M. “An Application of Neural Networks to Predicting Mastery of Learning Outcomes in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder.”  International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications.  Miami, FL. December 2015.

Arbuckle, C., Greenberg, M., Linstead, E.  “Detection and Tracking of T Cells in Time Lapse Imaging.”  ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (BCB).  Atlanta, GA. September 2015.


E. Linstead, L. Hughes, C. Lopes, P. Baldi.  Information-Theoretic Metrics for Project-Level Scattering and Tangling.  International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE).  Redwood City, CA.  July, 2010.

Strand, M., Hughes, L., Duncan, R., Smith, J., Linstead, E.  “An Eclipse Plug-in For Enforcing Java Naming Conventions.”  41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2010.  Milwaukee, WI.  March, 2010.


Linstead, E., Hughes, L., Lopes, C., Baldi, P.  “Software Analysis With Unsupervised Topic Models.”  Workshop on the Application of Topic Models: Text and Beyond.  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2009.  Vancouver, BC.  December, 2009.

Hughes, L., Linstead, E., Baldi, P.  “The Evolution of Concerns, Scattering, and Tangling in Eclipse and ArgoUML.”  ESEM 2009: International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.  Lake Buena Vista, FL. October, 2009.

Linstead, E., Baldi, P.  “Mining the Coherence of GNOME Bug Reports with Statistical Topic Models.”  MSR 2009:  International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories.  Vancouver, BC.  May, 2009.

Ossher, J., Bajracharya, S., Linstead, E., Baldi, P., Lopes, C.  “SourcererDB: An Aggregated Repository of Statically Analyzed and Cross-Linked Open Source Java Projects.”  International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories.  Vancouver, BC.  May, 2009.

Linstead, E.,Hughes, L., Lopes, C., Baldi, P.  “Capturing Java Naming Conventions with First-Order Markov Models.”  ICPC 2009:  Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Program Comprehension.  Poster Paper.  Vancouver, BC.  May 17-19, 2009.

Linstead, E., Hughes, L., Lopes, C., Baldi, P.  “Exploring Java Software Vocabulary: A Search and Mining Perspective.”  SUITE 2009:  Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Search-Driven Development – Users, Tools, Interfaces, and Environments.”  Vancouver, BC.  May 16, 2009.

Linstead, E., Bajracharya, S., Ngo, T., Rigor, P., Lopes, C., Baldi, P.  “Sourcerer: Mining and Searching Internet-Scale Software Repositories.”  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.  Volume 2, Number 18.  April 2009.


Linstead, E., Lopes, C., Baldi, P.  “An Application of  Latent Dirichlet Allocation to Analyzing Software Evolution.”  International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. (ICMLA 2008).  San Diego, CA. December 2008.

Baldi, P., Lopes, C ., Linstead, E., Bajracharya, S. “A Theory of Aspects as Latent Topics.” ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2008). Nashville, TN. October 19-23, 2008.

Linstead, E., Rigor, P., Bajracharya, S., Lopes, C., Baldi, P. “Mining Internet-Scale Software Repositories.”  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2007). March 2008.


Linstead, E., Rigor, P., Bajracharya, S., Lopes, C., Baldi, P. “Mining Concepts from Code with Probabilistic Topic Models” Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. Atlanta, GA. November 2007.

Chen, J., Linstead, E., Swamidass, S.J., Wang, D., Baldi, P.  “ChemDB: Full Text Search and Virtual Chemical Space” Bioinformatics. Volume 23, Number 17.  September 2007.

Linstead, E., Rigor, P., Bajracharya, S., Lopes, C., Baldi, P.  “Mining Eclipse Developer Contributions via Author-Topic Models”  Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories.  Minneapolis, MN. May 2007.


Bajracharya, S., Ngo, T., Linstead, E., Dou, Y., Baldi, P., Lopes, C.  “Sourcerer: A Search Engine for Open Source Code Supporting Structure-Based Search”  Companion to the Proceedings of OOPSLA ’06.  Portland, OR. October 2006.